
Frequent Usages

  • 買い物のついでに郵便局に寄った
  • 散歩するついでにゴミを出した
  • 出かけるついでにコンビニで飲み物を買った
  • 仕事のついでに友達に会った

Meaning and Usage

The expression "ついでに" is used to indicate that while doing one main activity, you take the opportunity to do an additional, related action. It conveys the meaning of "while you're at it," "on the occasion," or "incidentally." This structure is often used when the secondary action is convenient to perform because of the primary action, making it ideal for casual, practical conversations.

Common translations for "ついでに" include "while you're at it," "on the way," or "incidentally."


  • Verb (辞書形) + ついでに
    Used to add an extra action that is carried out while performing the main verb action.
    "While I was going out, I stopped by the convenience store."
  • Verb (た形) + ついでに
    Can also be used with the past tense form of verbs to emphasize that the primary action was done and the additional action was completed alongside it.
    "While I was at the library, I borrowed a new book."
  • Noun + の + ついでに
    Used with nouns to show that while doing the main activity (the noun), another action is done in passing.
    "While I was shopping, I went to the post office."

When to Use It

Use "ついでに" when you want to describe performing an additional action that is convenient to do while already carrying out a primary action. This expression is ideal for situations when the secondary action is less important than the primary one but is convenient to do at the same time.

  • To mention casually adding a task while doing another activity:
    "While jogging, I bought some milk at the supermarket."
  • To express performing an action "on the way" to a destination or in the course of doing something else:
    "On the way to the station, I stopped by the bakery."

Examples for Each Form

  • Verb (辞書形) + ついでに
    • 散歩するついでにゴミを出した
      "While taking a walk, I took out the trash."
    • 家を掃除するついでに窓も拭いた
      "While cleaning the house, I also wiped the windows."
  • Verb (た形) + ついでに
    • 学校に行ったついでに先生に質問した
      "While I was at school, I asked the teacher a question."
    • 仕事で出かけたついでにお土産を買ってきた
      "While I was out for work, I bought a souvenir."
  • Noun + の + ついでに
    • 散歩のついでに本屋に寄った
      "While I was out for a walk, I stopped by the bookstore."
    • 旅行のついでに新しいレストランで食事をした
      "While traveling, I ate at a new restaurant."

Improper Usage

Avoid using "ついでに" for actions that do not logically follow from the primary activity or are unrelated to it, as this may sound confusing. Also, using it for tasks of equal importance to the main activity may make the sentence sound unnatural, as "ついでに" implies the secondary action is more incidental.

Key Points to Remember

  • Use "ついでに" when adding an extra, convenient action to a main task.
  • It implies that the secondary action is less significant and incidental.
  • "ついでに" can be used with verbs in the dictionary or past form, or with nouns followed by "の."


"ついでに" is neutral in formality and suitable for both casual and polite conversation. In formal writing, however, other structures such as "を利用して" (by taking advantage of) or "ついでとして" (as a side note) may be used to express the same idea more formally.

Example Sentences

  • 郵便局に行くついでに、スーパーにも寄った
    "While going to the post office, I also stopped by the supermarket."
  • 買い物のついでに友達に会った
    "While shopping, I ran into a friend."
  • 図書館に行くついでに、カフェでコーヒーを飲んだ
    "While going to the library, I had coffee at the café."
  • 車を洗うついでに、中も掃除した
    "While washing the car, I also cleaned the interior."
  • 出張のついでに観光もした
    "While on a business trip, I did some sightseeing too."