によって vs. による

Both によって and による are commonly used in Japanese to express cause, method, or basis, but they differ in form and grammatical usage.

によって (ni yotte)

Frequent Usages

  • 台風によって建物が壊れた
  • 努力によって成功を手に入れた
  • によって意見が異なる
  • 調査によって新しい事実が明らかになった
  • によって習慣が違う

Meaning and Usage

"によって" is used to indicate a cause, method, means, or variation depending on context. It can often be translated as "due to," "by," "depending on," or "through." This structure highlights how something happens or varies based on an external factor.

Common Meanings

  1. Cause: Used to show that something happened as a result of a certain factor.
    • 台風によって多くの家が被害を受けた
      "Many houses were damaged due to the typhoon."
  2. Method or Means: Used to describe the method or means by which an action occurs.
    • インターネットによって情報が簡単に手に入る
      "Information can be easily obtained through the internet."
  3. Variation or Dependence: Used to show differences based on a condition or factor.
    • によって考え方が違う
      "Thoughts differ depending on the person."

Examples with によって

  • この薬は人によって効果が違う
    "The effect of this medicine varies from person to person."
  • その調査によって新しい事実が判明した
    "New facts were discovered through the investigation."
  • 努力によって成功を手に入れることができる
    "Success can be achieved through effort."

による (ni yoru)

Frequent Usages

  • 台風による被害が大きかった
  • 医師による説明
  • 調査による結果
  • 地域による習慣の違い
  • 努力による成果

Meaning and Usage

"による" is the attributive (modifying) form of "によって" and functions to modify nouns in Japanese. It is commonly translated as "due to," "caused by," "based on," or "through." It’s used in similar contexts to "によって" but always appears directly before a noun, describing the cause, method, or factor behind that noun.

Common Meanings

  1. Cause: Used to indicate that a certain noun is the result of a particular cause.
    • 台風による被害が大きかった
      "The damage caused by the typhoon was significant."
  2. Method or Means: Indicates that a noun is based on or achieved through a certain method.
    • 努力による成功は素晴らしい
      "Success achieved through effort is wonderful."
  3. Variation or Dependence: Used to show that a noun varies based on a condition or factor.
    • 地域による習慣の違い
      "Differences in customs depending on the region."

Examples with による

  • この病気はウイルスによるものです
    "This illness is caused by a virus."
  • 調査によると、新しい発見があった
    "According to the research, a new discovery was made."
  • 交通事故による死亡者数が増加している
    "The number of deaths caused by traffic accidents is increasing."

Key Differences Between によって and による

  • Grammatical Usage:
    • によって: Can stand alone in a sentence and is followed by a verb or predicate.
    • による: Always modifies a noun directly, indicating that the noun is the result or outcome of the preceding factor.
  • Context:
    • Both indicate cause, method, or variation but によって describes the method or cause of an action, while による describes the origin or basis of a specific noun.

Example Sentences Comparing によって and による

  • によって (Cause):
    • 台風によって多くの家が壊れた
      "Many houses were destroyed due to the typhoon."
  • による (Cause):
    • 台風による被害は大きかった
      "The damage caused by the typhoon was significant."
  • によって (Method):
    • 努力によって成功を手に入れた
      "I achieved success through effort."
  • による (Method):
    • 努力による成功は大きな成果だ
      "The success achieved through effort is a major accomplishment."

Both "によって" and "による" play essential roles in describing cause, method, or basis, with the key distinction being that による is used to modify nouns, while によって stands alone to connect actions or conditions to their cause or method.