
Frequent Usages

  • 歩けないくらい疲れた
  • 笑いすぎてお腹が痛くなるくらいだった
  • 涙が出るほどうれしかった
  • 我慢できないほどの痛み
  • 忘れるくらい楽しかった
  • 息ができないほど混んでいる電車

Meaning and Usage

The phrases "〜くらいだ/〜ぐらいだ" and "〜ほどだ" (and their variations) are used to describe the extent or degree of a situation, often by comparing it to an extreme or notable example. They all mean "to the extent that" or "so much that," and they are frequently used to emphasize the intensity, degree, or impression of a particular state or action.


The phrases "〜くらいだ" and "〜ぐらいだ" are interchangeable and express a degree or intensity that might surprise or impress. "〜くらい" and "〜ぐらい" can be used in the middle of sentences to introduce comparisons or emphasize how extreme something is. They can translate to "to the extent that," "about," or "so much that."


The expression "〜ほどだ" is slightly stronger in emphasis than "〜くらいだ" or "〜ぐらいだ" and is often used when the comparison or extent is particularly noteworthy. "〜ほど" can also appear in the middle of sentences to describe extreme situations. It is similar to "so much that" or "to the degree that."


  • Verb (辞書形) + くらいだ / ぐらいだ
    Used to express that an action reaches a certain extreme degree.
    "I’m so tired that I can’t walk."
  • い-Adjective + くらいだ / ぐらいだ
    Describes an adjective to an extreme or impressive degree.
    "I was so frustrated that I wanted to cry after losing the match."
  • Noun + くらい / ぐらい
    Used to indicate a similar degree or approximate amount.
    "I laughed so much that my stomach hurt."
  • Verb (辞書形) + ほどだ
    Used to indicate that an action is so intense or extreme that it reaches a certain degree.
    "I was so surprised that I couldn’t speak."
  • い-Adjective + ほどだ
    Used to express that the quality of an adjective reaches an extreme degree.
    "It’s so cold that it might snow."
  • Noun + ほど
    Used to compare the degree of one thing to another, often to create emphasis.
    "It’s so crowded that I can’t breathe."

When to Use It


Use "〜くらいだ" and "〜ぐらいだ" to express an extreme or notable degree that might surprise others. These forms are appropriate for casual comparisons and for describing situations that reach a certain impactful level.

  • To emphasize the surprising level of an action or feeling:
    "I laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe."


"〜ほどだ" is used for stronger emphasis and can add gravity to a statement. Use it to express a degree of intensity that might leave a significant impression, as it often indicates the limit or maximum extent.

  • To describe reaching an extreme level with a stronger emphasis:
    "I was so happy that I cried."

Examples for Each Form

  • Verb (辞書形) + くらい / ぐらい / ほど
    • 歩けないくらい疲れた
      "I’m so tired that I can’t walk."
    • 驚いて声が出ないほどびっくりした
      "I was so surprised that I couldn’t make a sound."
  • い-Adjective + くらい / ぐらい / ほど
    • 寒くて凍えるくらいだった
      "It was so cold that I felt like I’d freeze."
    • うれしくて涙が出るほどだった
      "I was so happy I almost cried."
  • Noun + くらい / ほど
    • あの店には行列ができるくらい人気がある
      "That store is so popular that it always has a line."
    • 彼はプロの選手ほど速く走れる
      "He can run as fast as a professional athlete."

Improper Usage

Avoid using "〜くらいだ" or "〜ほどだ" for everyday actions that do not imply intensity or do not reach any extreme level. These expressions are meant for situations that leave a strong impression or involve a high degree of something, so using them for routine activities may sound exaggerated or unnatural.

Key Points to Remember

  • 〜くらいだ / 〜ぐらいだ: Indicates a notable degree or extent, used for casual emphasis or comparison.
  • 〜ほどだ: Often stronger than "〜くらいだ," adding emphasis to describe an intense or extreme state.
  • くらい/ほど in the middle of sentences can convey approximate levels or limits, while the ending forms "くらいだ" and "ほどだ" finalize and emphasize the description.


Both "〜くらい" and "〜ほど" are neutral in formality and appropriate in both formal and informal contexts. However, "〜ほど" can sound slightly more formal than "〜くらい."

Example Sentences

  • 彼は話すのが早すぎて、何も聞こえないくらいだった
    "He spoke so fast that I couldn’t hear anything."
  • この本は面白すぎて、やめられないほど
    "This book is so interesting that I can’t put it down."
  • 眠くて目が開かないくらい疲れている
    "I’m so tired that I can’t keep my eyes open."
  • 混みすぎて、息ができないほどの電車だった
    "The train was so crowded I could barely breathe."
  • この問題は簡単すぎて、笑えるくらい
    "This problem is so easy it’s laughable."
  • あの映画は泣けるほど感動的だった
    "That movie was so moving that it made me cry."