間 (あいだ) and 間に (あいだに)

Frequent Usages

  • 旅行の、たくさん写真を撮った
  • 休みの間に、宿題を終わらせた
  • 映画を見ている、ずっと雨が降っていた
  • 先生が来る間に、ノートを準備した

Meaning and Usage

"間" (あいだ) and "間に" (あいだに) both convey the idea of an interval or duration in which an action or state occurs. "間" (あいだ) typically refers to a continuous state or action lasting for a certain period, often focusing on the entire duration. In contrast, "間に" (あいだに) highlights that an action happens at some point within a period, often emphasizing the timing or immediacy of an action within that interval.


  • Noun + の + 間
    Used with nouns to indicate a continuous period during which something happens.
    "The weather was good during the trip."
  • Verb (ている形) + 間
    Used with verbs in the ている form to show a continuous action over a period.
    "While watching the movie, the phone didn’t ring."
  • Noun + の + 間に
    Used with nouns to indicate a specific event occurring at some point within the period.
    "During the break, I finished my homework."
  • Verb (ている形) + 間に
    Used with verbs in the ている form to show that an action occurs at some point during a continuous activity.
    "While cooking, a friend came over."

When to Use It

"間" is best used when you want to emphasize the ongoing nature of an action or state that spans a certain timeframe. "間に" is used when you want to point out that something specific occurs at some moment during a longer action or event. Using "間に" often implies a sense of interruption or additional action that takes place during the main event.

  • For describing a continuous action or state that happens during a period:
    "While the child was napping, I was cleaning."
  • For noting an event that happens at some point during another action or period:
    "While the child was napping, a friend came to visit."

Examples for Each Conjugation Form

    • 試合が終わる、観客は興奮していた
      "The audience was excited until the match ended."
    • 彼がここにいる、私は安心だった
      "While he was here, I felt at ease."
  • 間に
    • 授業の間に、電話が鳴った
      "The phone rang during class."
    • 旅行の間に、美しい景色をたくさん見た
      "During the trip, I saw many beautiful landscapes."

Improper Usage

It is incorrect to use "間に" to describe actions or states that last throughout the entire period, as this form implies that an event happened at a specific point within that period. Using "間" instead of "間に" for punctual events can make the sentence sound unnatural or misleading.

Key Points to Remember

  • Use "間" when referring to an action or state that lasts continuously for the whole period.
  • Use "間に" when you want to highlight that something specific happened at a particular moment during a period.
  • Remember that using "間に" generally emphasizes that an event took place within the interval, not over its entire span.


"間" and "間に" can be used in both formal and informal contexts, though they are more often found in casual spoken Japanese. In formal writing, consider using more explicit expressions to clarify the duration or timing if the context requires precision.

Example Sentences

  • 両親が家にいない、私は自由に過ごした
    "While my parents were out, I spent my time freely."
  • 留学している間に、多くの友達を作った
    "While studying abroad, I made many friends."
  • 午前中の間に、仕事を終わらせるつもりです
    "I plan to finish my work in the morning."
  • 音楽を聴いている、リラックスできた
    "I was able to relax while listening to music."